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....siguiendo con mi curso del que os hablaba en el post anterior, estan intentando convencerme que todo el mundo es creativo per se, aunque a mi me cueste creérmelo. En el fondo lo sé, pero en el día a día tengo dificultades para acabar de recordarlo....

Si algun@ no sabe inglés, un extrato de la foto viene a decir que :

“No puedes ser un Picasso o un Mozart, pero no tienes que serlo. Sólo tienes que crear y crear. Crear para recordar que todavía estás vivo. Hacer cosas para inspirar a otros a hacer algo. Crear para aprender un poco más sobre ti mismo. “

you can do it…
“If I can do it, so can you.” That’s what I’ve been preaching to friends and colleagues since I started this terrain. Late nights, early mornings and sacrificed weekends is what it takes, but the rewards offset the inconveniences. So many of these crazy talented folks are dissatisfied with their professional lives so I wrote The Manifesto to be that annoying “you can do it” voice in the background. The Manifesto also gets a bit preachy about the sacrifice of the arts in our schools, because as a father of little ones I want them to master their A-B-Cs and 1-2-3s AND their Red-Green-Blues and E-A-D-G-B-Es. This page also features links to right brain propaganda and right-brainers I revere. The links will continue to evolve indefinitely so check back periodically.

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